DSI ImplemenT

Why ImplemenT

To make your digital venture a success, IT implementation and scape-up is where the rubber hits the road. There are plenty of investment firms in the IT environment. With ImplemenT, the DSI is establishing a new form of colaboration that works exclusively with partners who have proven their expertise in operational IT management and IT procurement. ImplemenT brings experts with real street credits.

How we ImplemenT

"We always act free of our own implementation interests. This allows us to focus 100% on your requirements and select and manage your project service providers with a neutral eye."

See Why DSI

Felix Honnegger, Partner

What we do - DSI Build Services

To build your digital venture successfully, DSI ImplemenT is typically taking the role as control head for coping with your IT challenges, be it:

  • Delivering the IT enabled business transformation (PMO for new business, PMI, carve outs, etc.)
  • Rennovating ERP (S/4 HANA PMO)
  • Managing demand (business requirements, IT architecture, budget conformity, compliance, etc.)
  • Coping with the IT legacy (consolidation, cloud migration, etc.)
  • Rescuing stranded IT projects (business alignment, CRs, etc.)
  • Developing vendors (supplier consolidation, coping with lock-ins, performance based contracts, etc.)
  • Outsourcing IT services (scoping, vendor selection, transition, business continuity, etc.)
  • Managing software assets (demand management, supplier negotiations, risk mitigation, contract prolongation, etc.)
  • People transition (employees engagement, AI training, humanocratics, organizational change, etc.) 
  • ...

What we do - DSI Run Services

For running digital ventures together, we are happy to partner with you. See DSI InvesT:

See DSI InvesT

What resources we have - the team

We are happy to discuss your digital venture with you, and to provide you with our proposal as well as with a suitable ImplemenT expert team on request. Please contact us under info@digitalsupplyinstitute.com. Selected DSI leaders are available to guide the team and support.

See DSI leadership team
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