Engagement area "Digital Facilitators"


Our DSI engagement portfolio addresses the following Digital Facilitators:

  • Solutions attached to ERP (incl. S/4 HANA),
  • Pricing machines associated with digital services
  • Big Data solutions (incl. best-of-breed architecture, etc.),
  • Solutions associated with Cloud infrastructure (incl. Azure, AWS, Google, etc.),
  •  IT Security solutions

Please find selected DSI Digital Facilitator topics below.

Digitalization Strategy

Corporate leaders have to manage the increasing external and market complexity in order to maintain or enhance the quality of care or medicine as well as competitiveness. Against this background digitalization provides new opportunities, however, must not be limited to technology aspects only. DSI shares expertise to facilitate a proper digitalization strategy and leverage on such opportunities.

For example, our DSI Triple Long Tail© Strategy is at the heart of maturing individualized digital business models, adding value through individualized products and services as well as differentiated value based prices. Leading B2C companies such as Amazon, eBay, iTunes, Netflix und Rhapsody can function as role model and provide analogies for both Life Science businesses as well as Health Care strategies, accordingly.



S/4 HANA Study

Digitalization is on everybody’s lips. And there are only few things that work without IT. But that does not mean, that just by using latest technology you succeed. Our current DSI study shows that many IT programs suffer from happy engineering and lack business focus. So, how about your S/4 HANA program? How to make best use of ERP data for Life Care players? What lessons learned should you consider, what kind of success factors are key, which pitfalls to avoid? DSI shares expertise from reviewing S4HANA programs in order to prevent you from sunk investments and facilitate your company to get the most value out of S4HANA.

S/4 HANA study
Six Lessons Learned.pdf (305.27KB)
S/4 HANA study
Six Lessons Learned.pdf (305.27KB)


Make Money out of IT

Digital business models typically refer to the usage of big data and AI technology. These business models depend on critical mass of data, and statistical significance of functional relationships associated. Most of these business models, still, lack monetarization. DSI, therefore, is offering monetarization expertise, which can improve amortisation with means of so called bridging use cases. Bridging use cases can help to shorten pay-off periods and facilitate speed of subscriptions, and thus "bridge" towards monetarization.   


Pricing 4.0

New technologies like IoT typically provide the opportunity to measure the functionality of services or products. Pricing thus develops from volume-based to performance based pricing, thus value pricing. Moreover, cost drivers can be controlled more effectively as a basis for de-averaging of cost and stop the erosion of margins. The DSI pricing approach addresses these potentials, systematically, and can help to improve both top and bottom line. Proven tools can help to apply new pricing policies in day-to-day operations of your sales as well as operations team.

More on PRICING 4.0

Business Case 4.0

The impact of technology on a stand alone basis is limited. Many IT and digitalization projects show poor business cases, which is not sufficient for scaling up. Such business cases are attached to sunk investments. Therefore, DSI considers business enablement and innovation potentials, comprehensively, to facilitate that your technology investments are reasonably paying off. We bring business and technology together to support you in getting the most value out of your IT and addressing the full business impact. For us, business case building is an agile process so that we suggest to align on the two perspectives, technical feasibility and commercial viability.



Change Management

Although change has been an integral part of human history, major changes, whether in business or private life, often lead to resistance, fear, and a feeling of powerlessness among those affected. Major changes in the workplace can have an enormous impact not only on the working life but also on the private life of the employees. Worries about the future and resistance to giving up habitual ways of doing things often arise. Some people have already gone through many changes in their working life and feel too tired to go through change again. 

DSI knows these challenges and can share expertise with you for achieving your business transformation objectives with a comprehensive change management program. We under-stand change management as an integral part of the overall project, where close coordination and cooperation is crucial for success.  

"Digital transformation is mostly a question of effective change management, which is often underestimated"

Eva Pauly, DSI Co-Leader

DSI Change Mgt Approach
DSI Change Management Approach.pdf (1.69MB)
DSI Change Mgt Approach
DSI Change Management Approach.pdf (1.69MB)
Connect with us re CHANGE MANAGEMENT

Transformation Management

Managing a transformation program is not easy and typically underestimated. Besides business and technological challenges, an effective change management is required to maintain momentum and introduce new behaviour. DSI follows the principle "think big, start small and scale fast". Together with their stakeholders, DSI is guiding through their digitalization journey, choosing the right approach (lift-drop-change, lift-change-drop ...), way of working (agile, hybrid-agile ...) and managing the overall transformation. We are prepared to connect you with proven teams, tools, approaches and solutions which can make your transformation journey a success. Transformation formats can include Post Merger Integration and Carve-outs, Digitalization programs, S4HANA projects, Turn around amongst others.

More info regarding DSI TMO


In order to make your digitalization strategy work, a number of use cases have to be developed to make it happen. While many companies still are in a proof-of-concept phase, just developing 5 - 10 use cases a year is typically not good enough. To unlock the full innovation potential of digitalization, DSI shares expertise to perform an accelerator that generates multiple new use case ideas every months, priorities continuously for jointly defined criteria, translates prioritised ideas into design and proceeds with the build phase. Instead of a one-off exercise the DSI accelerator can establish a regular processes for ideating use case as well as a factory to build and deploy. 


Connect me with the DSI ACCELERATOR >>


In line with our principles to think big, start small and scale fast, a consistent and state-of-the-art enterprise reference architecture is a foundation for every digitalization journey. Many companies spend a lot of money for single use cases but without overall alignment to make sure everything fits together in a target state. The DSI reference framework is a basis to develop a customised, proven to-be architecture and slice architecture cuts in line with the implementation journey and overall digitalization journey of our clients. 


 Sales Push 4.0

Sales & marketing organizations are continuously requested to focusing on the most profitable products, most promising customer segments, best channels, most attractive regions and so forth. Focus makes success. At the same time, some sales representatives are even more successful than others, which means there is an opportunity to learn and roll-out best practices for leverage. DSI follows a data driven approach to sales mobilisation, building on comprehensive CRM and customer data. In many instances, companies do have a wealth of information available, however, they don't necessarily make use out of it, comprehensively. In addition, DSI can enrich relevant data where needed by performing surveys and gathering primary data such as customer satisfaction. As DSI suggests, big data analytics in sales & marking is not about leveraging as much data as possible but using the right, relevant information. 

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