Engagement area "Digital Businesses"  

The DSI engagement portfolio focuses on following end customer themes and responds to major industry trends, respectively: 

End customer themes:

  • Health
  • Mobility
  • Nutrition
  • ...

Major industry trends:

  • Democratization
  • Individualization
  • Retailization
  • Sustanability

Please find selected DSI thought leadership publications below.

Selected DSI thought leadership publications ...

Health Care of the Future - Three drivers of strategic evolution

Re-thinking Health Care will increase patient value by integrating practice units, bundling payments across the care cycle and coordinating care delivery across facilities. Convergence will bring Health Care, Life Science and Agriculture closer together to best serve patient`s needs. The use of patient data and new technology will make the difference.

Health Care of the Future
Health Care of the Future_7 2020_Vgw.pdf (2.29MB)
Health Care of the Future
Health Care of the Future_7 2020_Vgw.pdf (2.29MB)

Mobility of the Future - OEM`s spare part logistics 

See how future requirements for mobility and aftersales associated evolves over time.  Understand how digital business models look like, what the next level of supply chains is all about and how future spare parts make a difference.. 

Mobility of the Future_11 2020_Vgw.pdf (2.91MB)
Mobility of the Future_11 2020_Vgw.pdf (2.91MB)

AgTech: The new Integrated

How does digitization work in specialty chemicals today? Specialty chemicals are successful when they focus on the needs of end customers. They aim to increase performance in segments such as textiles, coatings, care and agro. As part of the digital transformation, there is then systemic integration with technologies to create comprehensive solutions that address needs in an even more differentiated way. A product business becomes an individual solution business.

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Chemicals 4.0 - 11 hypotheses

To give a quick overview on Chemicals 4.0 and its potentials, we have summarized eleven hypotheses in the following: 

1. A range of factors determines competitiveness
Many trends (global market shift, consolidation, etc.) and uncertainties (Euro zone stability, oil & gas price, etc.) determine the development of the German chemical industry. Industry 4.0 is one of them. In order to maintain competiveness in the future, these key factors have to be considered in a joint project with all relevant stakeholders.

2. Chemicals 4.0 has a double impact
Chemicals 4.0 has a strong impact on the industry. It changes operations, businesses and rules of competition. Beyond digitization, however, it also provides solutions for responding to other key trends as a facilitator. Examples are smart solutions for energy efficiency and individual offerings for changing customer behaviour. Chemicals 4.0 accelerates the development of the industry and brings it to the next level.

3Chemicals 4.0 is more than technology
New technologies such as cyber physical systems, low cost sensors and additive manu-facturing are important enablers. However, Chemicals 4.0 needs to be viewed through business-strategic glasses in terms of efficiency and growth. It means tapping new potentials and building new business cases rather than happy engineering.

4. Digitization is not fully leveraged yet
The German chemical industry is keen on digitizing its business. However, many com-panies are focusing on reproducing existing processes as-is in an electronic fashion (omni-channels, sourcing platforms, HR portals, etc.). Opportunities for developing new operating as well as business models are not being addressed, comprehensively.

5. New Verbund has to be developed
The Verbund strategy has always been a central element of competitiveness. And it will be in the future. However, such competitive edge is not set in stone. Portfolio development strategies have questioned integrated business models. The German Verbund has to develop towards a New Verbund and consider Industry 4.0 technologies, accordingly.

6. Data based operations help to master complexity

Data based operating models do leverage on predictive analytics, resilient network structures as well as self-organisation. Such operations are best prepared to anticipate new market developments. They are most appropriate to efficiently respond to market complexity of the chemical industry with means of flexibility and scalability of resources.  

7. Boundaries of chemical companies are shifting
In a Chemicals 4.0 environment, outsourcing becomes much easier, as new technologies support a more seamless integration of contractors and a higher transparency of their performance. As result, make-or-buy decisions are shifting towards both a higher number of facilities being serviced by contractors as well as a larger scope of activities taken over.

8. Chempark operators need to provide Industry 4.0 infrastructure
Site operators are requested to provide proper infrastructure solutions for smart opera-tions as well as on-site connectivity. They have to support transparency as well as self-organized coordination through the Internet of Things. They have to facilitate synergies as well as flexibility on an arms lengths basis and through business objects.

9. Digital business supports individualization

Digital business models provide growth opportunities with means of a long tail of customized products and services as well as a differentiated pricing. Open innovation has to support the development of digital business models. This is especially true for market-driven specialities, but not necessarily excluding asset-driven commodities. 

10. Just any kind of online presence is not good enough
Many chemical companies want to leverage on the Internet just somehow. To systema-tically develop a digital business, however, comprehensive strategy and specific digital services are needed. For instance, chemical companies have to position as aggregator or fight against it with means of individualized offerings and pricing.

11. There is no Chemicals 4.0 silver bullet
Compared to other sectors such as Financial Services, the impact of Chemicals 4.0 within the industry will materialize in small steps and in the mid term. It develops in an evolutionary fashion rather than a “big bang”. The German chemical industry has to define and organize its evolution path, accordingly. 

(DSI, Chemicals 4.0, 2015)

More info on CHEMICALS 4.0 by DSI
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