About us

Our ambition

The DSI aims at developing Digital Ventures for Humanity. More specifically, we focus on Human AI to strenghten the digital footprint of Europe. We call this our North Star. 

See DSI North Star

What we do 

The DSI is a technology and investment company . We are currently developing Gimel ID as well as other DSI Ventures:

Gimel ID
Other DSI Ventures

Where we come from

The DSI has been founded as an open think tank for digitalization in 1997. Since the beginning, the DSI has been a platform for sharing expertise and connecting the community of digital leaders and enthusiasts. Over time, the DSI has expanded its engagement towards Digital Ventures for Humanity.  


The DSI has developed a unique proposition in terms of our 3-Cs, which include our Competency, Community and Capital.

See Why DSI

Where we play

The DSI has defined three areas of engagement or support:

Digital businesses (e.g., aggregators)
Smart operations (e.g., LLMOps)
Digital facilitators (e.g., IoT, KIS)

Who we are

The DSI engagements are being performed by a dedicated team of experienced managers and entrepreneurs, guided by the DSI leadership. 

Get to know our DSI leadership
Interested to join the DSI team

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