Fostering health equity and DNA diagnostics via Gimel ID

How do you prove that you are really you? This becomes increasingly difficult the more AI acts in place of humans. The lack of proof of personhood (PoP) represents a gap in the digital landscape that must be addressed. A global and inclusive proof of one`s identity is needed.

A truly sustainable solution requires rigorous data privacy and social consensus. The DSI develops the Gimel ID, which can get us there. Through its funding mechanism, Gimel ID can foster health equity as well as other democratic processes.

More on Gimel ID

Human being or bot - are you really you? 

hlth Europe: place to be for digital health leaders

Great experience to join the hlth Europe conference in Amsterdam in June 2024. Digital leaders and enthusiasts were discussing and connecting the dots. 

From the DSI, sponsor Dr. Götz Wehberg joined to share some DSI insights. He has been invited to join the AI panel discussion of the hlth. For more information click below:

DSI`s view on AI for the hlth Europe
See hlth Europe results

Waking the sleeping giant ...

DSI Executive Sponsor Dr. Francesco De Meo describes how to create a healthy healthcare system if we really want it. 

More on "Waking the Sleeping Giant"
Pre-order publication of Francesco De Meo

Why LLMOps is the new kid on the block ...

Large-Languange-Model-based Operations (LLMOps) are the future, where ever operators decide to use the latest technology and the complexity of (medical) decisions allows for an effective use of such. The speed of implementing LLMOps depends on three key factors

Download essay here

Digital Suppply Chains

 DSI Sponsor Dr. Götz Wehberg describes Digital Supply Chains as key facilitator to new business models, e.g., Individualized Medicine or Bio-Pharma. 

More details on Digital Supply Chains
Order publication Digital Supply Chains

Health Care of the future - three drivers of strategic evolution

Re-thinking Health Care will increase patient value by integrating practice units, bundling payments across the care cycle and coordinating care delivery across facilities. Convergence will bring Health Care, Life Science and Agriculture closer together to best serve patient`s needs. The use of patient data and new technology will make the difference.

Download presentation

Human AI - What it takes to keep control and run AI beneficially

We cannot simply trust AI unreservedly and hope that AI will help us humans. DSI, therefore, tries to determine the guiding principles to make sure humans benefit from AI. While trust is a necessary condition, the proposed guiding principles are supposed to be the sufficient condition for its beneficial use. 

How to make best use of AI for the benefit of humans? Three challenges lie ahead of us:
1. Can we regulate digital technology and AI via good governance to make sure humans keep control?
2. Can we run AI, operationally, in a way that it really delivers expected benefits to humans?
3. Can we manage tech organizations in a way that indeed appreciates humans and fosters beneficial digital innovation as actual outcome?

Download essay here


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